One on One Coaching

We Specialize In Helping People Like You Overcome and Heal From Narcissistic Abuse!
While most therapists focus on many types of trauma, we are more of a boutique operation as we only specialize in and treat one thing, Narcissistic Abuse. We begin by understanding where you are with your narcissist and the trauma surrounding your specific circumstances. Then we personally guide you through the healing process, where you will be able to utilize all of our healing resources, including personalized Trauma Neural Remapping. Please fill out our intake form to apply for our 1 on 1 sessions.
Our personalized, one on one, Healing From Narcissistic Abuse Sessions Focus on Three Main Points.

#1- Identify & Understand
We want to be sure that you have clearly identified the problem and that you clearly understand who and what a narcissist is. We want to be sure that you understand what creates a narcissist and the patterns and cycles that a narcissist is prone to repeat. Only through understanding the narcissist and their abuse cycles can you effectively combat it and overcome it in the end.
#2- Defend/Fight Back, Overcome & Break Free
Once you clearly understand the narcissist and their patterns, the next step is to overcome and break free. What this looks like exactly will vary in each persons unique situation. Breaking free for one person might be developing and executing a plan to escape. Breaking free for another person might look like fighting back by trapping and ensnaring the narcissist in their abuse. While, breaking free for a different person may look like confronting the narcissist with who and what they are and standing your ground. Finally, with very a small number of clients, the narcissist is self aware enough to willingly work on themselves. Breaking free from narcissism in that setting will look more like couples counseling. Helping the narcissist heal their core traumas and learn to trust their partner completely.

#3- Heal Your Mind & Your Body
After you have completed the other two steps, you are finally in a place where you can heal. Narcissistic abuse is unique in how it traumatizes the Brain and Body. Because of the constant cortisol that you have been experiencing due to prolonged narcissistic abuse, the chemistry of your brain has been altered. You can't "just get over it" without the proper help. Our methods are more effective than talk therapy, because while talk therapy is useful in helping to identify the problem and create proper mental frameworks around the issues, it fails to address the PTSD that you have sustained through being in a prolonged war. Much like war victims have PTSD which causes their bodies to react as if they are in war at times, your body is doing the same. We have developed specific methods, including Trauma Neural Remapping, proven effective on real war victims, with which to connect and heal both the mind and the body together from the horrific abuse that you have sustained.

& Healing
It took me years to escape from my narcissist. Once I did, I couldn't seem to find peace and healing. I was surprised by how many triggers that I had, and it wasn't fair to the other people in my life. Once I started getting treatment from Riley Thornock at Empath Army, I started noticing an immediate difference in both my physical and mental wellbeing. I am so grateful. Thank you so much!

For those of you who have struggled with narcissistic abuse like I have, I highly recommend this program. They understand the abuse differently than mainstream therapists do. They actually make a difference in healing the mind and body together. Before I got treatments, I was suffering from constant migraines. I've been migraine free for months now!

I have struggled with debilitating anxiety for years. The treatments I received from Riley and Rebecca Thornock at Empath Army have been life saving. It hasn't been easy, but over time, I've been able to get my life back. Releasing the trauma from my narcissist ex-husband.

I was raised by a narcissist. He was so controlling and I couldn't move on with my life. He was negatively effecting my wife and my children. Riley helped me set hard boundaries with my father and begin the healing process. I didn't fully realize how this was effecting my wife until after I started getting help. She's been really happy with the changes too.

Riley &
About Riley Thornock
My mother died from an autoimmune disease called systemic scleroderma at the young age of 48 years old. I was only 20 years old when she died. Because of my stepfathers covert narcissistic abuse, I was prematurely robbed of my mother. My children have been robbed of their grandmother as my mother never had the opportunity to meet any of them. My stepfathers first wife died of cancer and I watched my mother, over the 14 years that she was married to my father slowly collapse in on herself. She was constantly sick while I was growing up. She dealt with debilitating migraines and back pain. As she went from specialist to specialist, they could not help her. The doctors diagnosed her with fibromyalgia, which is just a fancy term for, we don’t know what’s wrong with you but we understand you’re in pain. She was a health professional, so she carefully and obsessively monitored her diet. But no matter what she did, she slowly but surely got worse. Her body swelled up as a reaction to the constant state of heightened awareness that she was enduring due to the consistent narcissistic abuse she was sustaining.
While my stepfather played the role of the dutiful father who was beaten down and plagued with another sickly wife. At one point, my step sister ironically pointed out that my mother was actually killing him! In typical narcissistic fashion, he managed to flip the script. During the last year of her life, she ended up in a psychiatric ward for a time, because the doctors could not figure out what was wrong with her, and she looked generally healthy. My stepfather had literally convinced everyone that she must have gone crazy. After the swelling, her body really started to fail completely, and she became a husk of her former self. She suddenly lost all of her weight and shrunk, while her skin and organs began to harden and thicken. She described her pain as needles piercing her constantly all over her body. Her hands and fingers became useless immobile claws as she awaited the end. Imagine what a victim of a black widow looks like after the deadly spider has managed to suck the life out of it. That is literally how my mother looked when she died, a literal husk of her former beautiful self. But instead of sucking her blood, my stepfather sucked her soul. He sucked the life force right out of her until her body mimicked what had happened to her soul.
It took me almost ten years after that before I began to understand what he was and what he had done. By then, I had a bachelors degree in Marriage and Family Science from BYU and a Masters Degree in Professional Communication from WSU. I was determined not to repeat the same patterns that my parents did, but unfortunately it wasn't that simple, as I did not fully understand the patterns. I did countless hours of research and writing hundreds of pages documenting my interactions with him, attempting to understand the abuse that he had perpetrated against me, my mother, my family, and even his family. It was only when I came across narcissism, specifically covert narcissism, that all the pieces of the puzzle began to come together. I began to understand the cycles of abuse that my mother and I had endured over the many years of interacting. I also began to understand, to my horror, how I was inadvertently repeating some of the same toxic patterns with my own wife Rebecca. My main example growing up was a narcissist, so it is no wonder why I adopted some of his methods and behaviors. When I started to understand that my own wife was beginning to experience some of the same struggles that my mother experienced, I’ve done everything in my power to change and right the ship. Since then, we've worked together to heal the trauma that both she and I have experienced as result of narcissistic abuse.
Together my wife and I have developed this program to benefit you. We have dedicated ourselves to help, heal and inspire women like you to rise up, heal, and understand your full value! While this course is also for men, and there are women abusers too, statistically, many more men suffer from narcissism than women. Simply by the mere fact that men are more driven by winning and dominating others than women are, who are drawn more naturally to nurture and cooperate with others. Making women the more natural targets of a narcissist.
Our program is designed to heal both your mind and your body from the prolonged narcissistic abuse that you have sustained. While traditional therapy is helpful in identifying the root of the problem and creating proper frameworks around the trauma, it fails to properly address the physical trauma that you have sustained and stored in your body, through being in a prolonged state of fight and flight. Just like a war victim with PTSD, their body’s have moments where they believe that they are still in the middle of the war. Your body is doing the same thing, because you have been in a prolonged war. A war that is designed to destroy your body and your spirit. Because your cortisol levels have been so high for so long, you are burned out, which is why you are experiencing many other health problems. This is why my mother was never able to fully heal, because she never successfully addressed the cause of her problem that was effectively slowly poisoning her. It didn’t matter what other treatments she got, because ultimately, she never managed to free herself from her narcissist even though she tried
I will do everything in my power to help you avoid the same fate as my mother. We will work together to address the root cause of your trauma as well as work to completely heal both the emotional and physical aspects associated with the abuse you have sustained. So that you can enjoy a rich, fulfilling and long life with your children and your grandchildren. Don’t allow your narcissist destroy you and steal your joy and your life. Begin your healing journey today with us.
About Rebecca Thornock
The current statistics on domestic violence in the U.S. is that one in four women will experience it within their lifetimes. With over 175,000,000 of us in the U.S. alone, this means that almost
42,000,000 women will have this terrible trauma to live with. I fall into this statistic, as my first husband was a physically, emotionally, and mentally abusing asshole that I was trapped with for almost five years. The abuse started days after the honeymoon and didn’t stop until I was able to finally escape. It took almost two years for me to execute my escape plan, and I was able to completely cut him out of my life only because we didn’t have any children.
My journey through that marriage, escaping, and working on my healing is why I am here, because I want to help you with the tools and resources I used to help me break free and find
true healing. I was diagnosed with PTSD shortly after I remarried several years after my first marriage ended. I’d done traditional couples therapy within that first marriage for several years, and then spent several years in individual therapy afterwards. While I did find traditional therapy useful and it did heal some things, it did not prepare me for the overwhelming effects trauma has on the mind and body, the triggers that would manifest when faced with a new marriage, and the helplessness that you feel broken and irreparably damaged.
I look forward to helping you individually to find healing using the many various methods I have utilized over the years. Healing is a lifelong journey, not a destination as so many people hope
for. I have been working at my healing for over a decade and I still get surprised with unknown triggers that pop up or new situations that press on my trauma responses. What I can offer you is tools and methods to help you manage day-to-day stressors and empower you to manage those unexpected and unknown triggers so you can move through them and feel strong and
whole once again.
Freeing yourself from a narcissist is a challenge, and the more professionals that you have on your side, the better. I am not a licensed therapist, doctor, or lawyer and I highly recommend
seeking out help from these professionals in addition to my help so you can get the support you need from all angles and to make sure you are making decisions that are best for you, your family, and your situation.
I know the pain, the fear, the hopelessness, and the darkest corners and thoughts that come with trauma, and I look forward to our journey into your health and healing. The Japanese have
an art of repairing broken pottery with fine metals such as gold, silver or platinum called Kintsugi. It honors the history of the pottery and beautifies it with precious metals to show the
repair rather than disguise it. Trauma fundamentally changes you completely, your mind and body are altered with the experience. Let us mend our wounds with gold, but also embrace and
honor the changes that have happened, and have made us stronger, wiser, and uniquely beautiful.